town & Parish COUNCIL


Learn how Scribe has the power to transform Town and Parish Councils Accounts from our Customer case studies

Cllr Tim Prater

Chairman of Sandgate Parish Council

"Our recent VAT report and invoicing took tasks that were taking 2-3 days down to 10-15 minutes, it was just ridiculously quicker!"


Clerk to Charmouth Parish Council

"It's just so user friendly! I don't have a favourite application, I love it all! I just think if I can use it, anyone can use it."

Cllr Peter Noel

Chairman to Charmouth Parish Council

"Amazed at year-end at how easy it was, I had to do very little as Finance Officer- my job was essentially redundant!"


Clerk to Forsbrook Parish Council

"Somebody recommend Scribe, we backdated the accounts and everything worked perfectly, it was tears of joy... definitely!"

REquest a demo

"Have used Scribe at 2 councils now. Great support from the team and there have been some great new features added recently!"

- Southam Parish Council

October 2020


"I have found Scribe SO easy to understand and use. The transaction layout is clear, reporting formats straightforward and setting up process seamless."

- Overton Parish Council

July 2020


The dreaded AGAR for Parish Clerks is the highlight of the year (NOT) The team at Scribe are just the tonic needed for all Parish Clerks. Their calm systematic approach to everything takes the stress out of not only the AGAR but all things financial. I have never looked back since using Scibe for both the Parish Councils I am clerk for.

- Dawn Plant

July 2020


“The Internal Auditor will love you, your Councillors will love you, the VAT man will have no issues, you’ll be able to sleep at night!”
Francesca Pridding
Tywyn Town Council
“Reports are invaluable to both the Clerk and to the Councillors/Committee members. For somebody without a finance background it is a god send”
Liz Shayler
Banwell Parish Council
"Scribe is so user friendly, it guides you through
everything and has the ability to produce every report you would need as a Town Clerk."
Sue Piergianni
Whittlesey Town Council

Scribe Accounts + Tywyn Town Council

Tell us about yourself

‍My name is Francesca Pridding, I’m the Clerk at Tywyn Town Council in South Wales

What was the main reason you started using Scribe?

The council has used Scribe since 2016, I started August 2017. The system being used before was a pencil and a ledger, when my predecessor took over he was slightly more computer literate and started using Scribe, every month, however, he still produced a Financial Report for the Council on an Excel spreadsheet.

When I took over (having never been a Clerk before) I soon started looking for anything that made my life easier and Scribe was perfect, and that’s now all I use.

What are the main benefits you get from Scribe?

I love the way that every month I just click a couple of buttons that produce a complete report that I can give to the Councillors along with a lovely tidy bank reconciliation. The VAT report is absolutely invaluable and save hours of time. I'm a Lawyer by training, figures are not my natural happy place, but Scribe makes me feel slightly smug about being able to produce financial reports that impress the Councillors and look so professional.

Do you save any time each month now you have Scribe, if so how much?

Flipping hours! Easily 8 hours per month and then another 4 hours per quarter on the VAT, and then the total lack of headache that I’m anticipating at the Year End.

What would you say to another Clerk considering using Scribe?

Do it! The Internal Auditor will love you, your Councillors will love you, the VAT man will have no issues, you’ll be able to sleep at night! You can even tick a little box and all your s137 payments are accounted for, you can even add little notes to each entry. The system is easier than producing a functioning Excel spreadsheet and the Customer Support is fantastic. I was completely new to the system when I started in August and yet I have picked it up easily with a bit of help from the outstanding Customer Support.

Scribe Accounts + Banwell Parish Council

Tell us about yourself

‍My name is Liz Shayler I am Clerk to Banwell Parish Council

What was the main reason you started using Scribe?

To save time for the Clerk. Generate a variety of reports.

A previous Clerk with only an administrative background got themselves into a bit of a pickle and we had to hire a finance officer to sort it out.

What are the main benefits you get from Scribe?

Intuitive. For somebody without a finance background it is a god send. It is logical and easy to use and time saving. Reports are invaluable to both the Clerk and to the Councillors/Committee members.

Do you save any time each month now you have Scribe, if so how much?

The time saving comes from the reports generated. Budgets were only reported monthly to full PC. Now they are reported monthly to the full PC (along with the bank rec) and also individually to the two committees. The end of year and bank reconciliation take 5/10 minutes.

What would you say to another Clerk considering using Scribe?

It is what you need for a medium/small council. For somebody without a finance background it is a god send. It is logical and easy to use, and time-saving. Easy to read reports that even those without a finance background but with an element of common sense can read.

Scribe Accounts + Whittlesey Town Council

Tell us about yourself

‍My name is Sue Piergianni, I am Clerk to Whittlesey Town Council

What was the main reason you started using Scribe?

We had been using SAGE which was obtained by one of the Councillors, however I wanted something that was tailored for councils and produced figures that members needed to see, not profit and loss as per Sage’s reports. Prior to me starting with the council they used to send all the financial work to an external source, I wanted to bring it in house to keep the cost down, they also used to have an external accountant complete the accounts prior to submission, this was again a further cost to the council.

What are the main benefits you get from Scribe?

Scribe is so user friendly, it guides you through everything and has the ability to produce every report you would need as a Town Clerk. I no longer use any external resources to produce end of year, Scribe does everything for you and populates the Annual Return. The Support staff at Scribe are really helpful and have helped me resolve any queries. I have attended a Scribe workshop which was really good to exchange knowledge with other clerks.

Do you save any time each month now you have Scribe, if so how much?

This is a really hard one, I think the best way to answer it is, I do a bank reconciliation every month, sometimes twice a month, but also do a full reconciliation, this means if there are any errors I can rectify them straight away, I explained this to members at the workshop and said it takes a couple of minutes longer but saves so much time at year end. it is so easy to use that is saves hours over SAGE.

What would you say to another Clerk considering using Scribe?

Scribe is really easy to pick up, if you make mistakes you can find them so easily. It also makes year end so easy

Ready to learn how Scribe can transform your Councils accounts?

REquest a demo
Councils trust scribe

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