Introducing Scribe Academy™

Scribe Academy™ - Free Training for Council Clerks, RFOs and Councillors

The Scribe Academy™ helps keep you up to date, informed and confident when managing your Councils finances. One of our ongoing commitments to our clients is free unlimited training and we host a number of free training webinars throughout the year for our new and existing customers. Our sessions are suitable for Clerks, RFO's, Councillors and for all members of Local Councils who are looking to expand their knowledge.

Our webinars will deliver everything you need to know about Local Council Accounting including VAT, completing your annual return, data entry, bank reconciliation and more! They will also help you discover how to make the most of Scribe Accounts and a chance to hear about new product developments and releases. 
The sessions are hosted LIVE by our panel of experts meaning you can get your questions answered in real time.

↓ See our scheduled webinars ↓

Available FREE Training Sessions

Each session is limited to 100 participants and places fill up fast. Be sure to reserve your spot below to avoid disappointment! 

Scribe Accounts - Getting ready for Year End

11/2/2025 10:00
60 minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for all Scribe customers to help you prepare for year end including ensuring your AGAR opening balances and VAT position are correct, reconciliation is up to date and preparing your asset register.
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts -Training designed for Clerk's joining an existing Council using Scribe

11/2/2025 10:00
45 Minutes
Jane Dafforn
Are you a clerk who’s recently joined a Council that uses Scribe Accounts and would like help and training to navigate through its features? Look no further! Join us on our 45 minute training session where we will explain the main features along with showing you how to navigate around, add data, reconcile your bank accounts and take a look at our most useful reports. The session will conclude with a Q&A session where you're free to ask anything about the software that you may be curious about!
Scribe Customers Only

Mastering Year-End: Less Stress, More Success!

12/2/2025 11:00
60 Minutes
Hannah Driver
An online, open-to-all training session taking you through the Year End process step-by-step. From preparation and completion of the AGAR to publication requirements and looking ahead to the new financial year, this session is perfect for new Clerk's and RFO's or those seeking a refresher! Delivered by Scribe's Head Accountant, Hannah Driver, who works with hundreds of Councils to ensure smooth running audits.
Open to Everyone

Scribe Allotments - Kick Off Call - Initial Set Up

12/2/2025 11:00
45 Minutes
Jane Dafforn
A training session for new to Scribe Allotment customers covering Set Up, Plot Holders, Waiting Lists and Invoicing
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Cemetery - Kick Off Call - Initial set up and effectively managing your burial records

12/2/2025 11:00
60 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
Join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. A training session for new to Scribe Cemetery customers covering set up, records, producing notice documents, inspections, mapping and registers. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Bookings - Creating and Managing your Bookings

12/2/2025 14:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for new to Scribe Bookings customers to help you create and manage your bookings and enquiries alongside invoicing, emailing and full integration with Scribe Accounts!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Reserves & Budgets

13/2/2025 11:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for existing customers. Explore how to set up and manage your reserves within Scribe.
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - VAT

14/2/2025 10:30
30 Minutes
Hannah Driver
For new to Scribe Accounts customers an online training session hosted via Zoom. Explore how Scribe manages your VAT, VAT Types and how to run returns/claims. This 30 minute training session will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Reports

18/2/2025 10:00
45 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
For new to Scribe Accounts customers. Explore how Scribe can save you hours of time with over 30+ reports available. This training session will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Cemetery - Kick Off Call - Initial set up and effectively managing your burial records

18/2/2025 10:00
45 Minutes
Jane Dafforn
Join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. A training session for new to Scribe Cemetery customers covering set up, records, producing notice documents, inspections, mapping and registers. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Kick Off Call - Initial Set Up

18/2/2025 11:00
45 minutes
Jessica Shackley
For new to Scribe Accounts customers join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. This 45 minute training session details setting up your Scribe database and general navigation of the Scribe programme and will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Bookings - Kick Off Call

18/2/2025 15:00
45 Minutes
Jessica Shackley
A training session for new to Scribe Bookings customers to help you set up your venues and fees, customise your webpage and integrate Scribe with Stripe to allow online payments to be made for bookings!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Starting your new financial year in Scribe

19/2/2025 10:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for all Scribe customers to assist with setting up your new financial year, copying over your records and database and reviewing your structure ready for the 1st April!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Data Entry & Bank Reconciliations

21/2/2025 10:00
45 minutes
Jane Dafforn
For new to Scribe Accounts customers this training session is hosted via Zoom. Explore the day-to-day data entry on Scribe including bank reconciliations. This 45 minute training session will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Reserves & Budgets

25/2/2025 10:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for existing customers. Explore how to set up and manage your reserves within Scribe.
Scribe Customers Only

How to Keep Your Internal Auditor Happy

25/2/2025 11:30
90 minutes
Eleanor Greene
With Year End just around the corner we are delighted to be joined by Eleanor Greene, Chief Accountant at Do the Numbers Limited, to discuss all-things-internal-audit. Eleanor is Chief Accountant at Do the Numbers Limited as well as Secretary to the Internal Audit Forum and has been auditing accounts since 1997. Auditing for over 50 Town & Parish Councils, Eleanor will share her top tips when it comes to getting the internal audit right first time.
Open to Everyone

Scribe Bookings - Creating and Managing your Bookings

25/2/2025 15:00
30 Minutes
Jessica Shackley
A training session for new to Scribe Bookings customers to help you create and manage your bookings and enquiries alongside invoicing, emailing and full integration with Scribe Accounts!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - VAT

26/2/2025 10:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
For new to Scribe Accounts customers an online training session hosted via Zoom. Explore how Scribe manages your VAT, VAT Types and how to run returns/claims. This 30 minute training session will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Allotments - Kick Off Call - Initial Set Up

26/2/2025 10:00
45 Minutes
Jane Dafforn
A training session for new to Scribe Allotment customers covering Set Up, Plot Holders, Waiting Lists and Invoicing
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Getting Ready for Year End

26/2/2025 14:00
60 minutes
Hannah Driver
A training session for all Scribe customers to help you prepare for year end including ensuring your AGAR opening balances and VAT position are correct, reconciliation is up to date and preparing your asset register.
Scribe Customers Only

Navigating Change: A 101 Guide to Change Management

27/2/2025 10:00
60 minutes
Julia Lindon
Change is inevitable, but navigating it doesn't have to be daunting. Join Julia for an engaging 101 guide to change management, where you'll learn the basics of managing change. Whether you're dealing with personal transformations or navigating shifts within an organisation, this talk is designed to help you understand your own experiences of change and translate these insights into effective strategies for wider organisational and community-based changes. Through practical examples and interactive discussions, you'll gain a foundation in the principles of change management which can be applied to a variety of situations.
Open to Everyone

Scribe Accounts - Kick Off Call - Initial Set Up

3/3/2025 11:00
45 minutes
Tracy Fisher
For new to Scribe Accounts customers join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. This 45 minute training session details setting up your Scribe database and general navigation of the Scribe programme and will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Play Area Inspection & Maintenance

4/3/2025 10:00
60 minutes
Douglas Belfield, Director at Streetscape
Play Area Inspections – If the council has play areas what is the inspection regime? How are inspections logged and managed, how often should an inspection take place? What problems with Maintenance do you have? Come along to discuss what should happen if the council owns a play area. Doug Belfield, Sales Manager at Streetscape, has over 30 years’ experience in the play industry and will give you an insight without frightening you away from purchasing more play equipment!
Open to Everyone

Scribe Cemetery - Kick Off Call - Initial set up and effectively managing your burial records

5/3/2025 11:00
60 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
Join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. A training session for new to Scribe Cemetery customers covering set up, records, producing notice documents, inspections, mapping and registers. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Coming Together to Create a Strategic Plan for Your Council

11/3/2025 10:00
60 minutes
Tom Clay, Chief Exec at ERNLLCA
Join Tom Clay, Executive Officer at East Riding & Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association, as he shares five steps for developing your simple strategic plan and useful resources that your council to utilise.
Open to Everyone

Scribe Accounts - Mastering Year End on Scribe

18/3/2025 10:00
1 hour
Tracy Fisher
A training session for all Scribe customers explaining how to complete the Year End process on Scribe for both R&P and I&E users.
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Kick Off Call - Initial Set Up

19/3/2025 10:00
45 minutes
Tracy Fisher
For new to Scribe Accounts customers join our Support Team on an online training session hosted via Zoom. This 45 minute training session details setting up your Scribe database and general navigation of the Scribe programme and will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only

Mastering Year-End: Less Stress, More Success!

19/3/2025 11:00
60 Minutes
Hannah Driver
An online, open-to-all training session taking you through the Year End process step-by-step. From preparation and completion of the AGAR to publication requirements and looking ahead to the new financial year, this session is perfect for new Clerk's and RFO's or those seeking a refresher! Delivered by Scribe's Head Accountant, Hannah Driver, who works with hundreds of Councils to ensure smooth running audits.
Open to Everyone

Scribe Accounts - Getting Ready for Year End

25/3/2025 10:00
60 minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for all Scribe customers to help you prepare for year end including ensuring your AGAR opening balances and VAT position are correct, reconciliation is up to date and preparing your asset register.
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - Reserves & Budgets

26/3/2025 10:00
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
A training session for existing customers. Explore how to set up and manage your reserves within Scribe.
Scribe Customers Only

Scribe Accounts - VAT

26/3/2025 14:30
30 Minutes
Tracy Fisher
For new to Scribe Accounts customers an online training session hosted via Zoom. Explore how Scribe manages your VAT, VAT Types and how to run returns/claims. This 30 minute training session will ensure you are using Scribe to its full potential. The session will conclude with a Q&A session to get your questions answered!
Scribe Customers Only