Scribe Partners

We are proud to be supporting, and be supported by, these great organisations. Together we enable Town, Parish & Community Councils to spend less time administering their community and more time positively impacting it.

Norfolk ALC and Scribe have launched a new partnership to bring together the 2 local Norfolk organisations, who both serve the Parish and Town Councils in the County, which will enable Norfolk ALC members to enjoy exclusive benefits with the Scribe online software solutions. The 2 organisations have a natural synergy and will work together on initiatives to ensure that Norfolk Town and Parishes obtain the best working practices, informative training programmes and cutting-edge online systems.

The East Riding and Northern Lincolnshire Local Councils Association, known as ERNLLCA, is an independent body which supports parish and town councils in North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire and the East Riding of Yorkshire. There is an equivalent organisation for each “shire county” area or equivalent in the country and all of these bodies, which are known as County Associations, join together as members of the National Association of Local Councils, or as it is more commonly known, NALC.

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