Struggling to fill your venue with bookings post-lockdown? This blog covers 2 simple changes you can make on your website in order to get more customers coming through the door and booking your venue!
Less is more
Less is more when it comes to website design. The KISS framework, which stands for "keep it simple stupid," suggests that the best way to create a successful and inviting site is by keeping things straightforward and easy-to-navigate.

With a few quick tweaks, your town or village hall will be busier than ever!
Here’s two simple website changes to get more bookings:
1. Great pictures & helpful information
If you're looking to fill your town hall with bookings, then make it easy for people!
The first step is to make sure your website has all the information about the venue along with some great pictures to showcase it.
Make sure to include images for the different types of events that can take place in your hall (weddings, groups, classes, parties) as well as the prices.
PS: Did you know that your brain can process images faster and more easily than text, so you should use a lot of them on your website to make it engaging for visitors.
Provide helpful information about the facilities and also consider a FAQ section. This means less emails will need answering from people asking the same types of questions - don't waste precious hours every week typing out the same answer over and over again!
2. Clear call to action
Secondly , it’s important that the user knows how easy and convenient booking could be for them by adding clear call-to-actions like ‘Book now!’.
If there’s no simple way to get in touch, people will lose interest and exit your website.
Add a big colourful button on your website with the ‘Book now!’ message on it.
Top tip: opt for a button in a colour that stands out against your website design. Contrasting colours work well.
You could also include contact details such as a phone number or email address at the top of your website with messaging such as ‘To book, contact 'name' on 'number'.
Key Takeaways
Promise: get more bookings for your venue with simple website changes
- Using the KISS framework when designing your website
- Including great images and all the information people need to know
- Ensuring your website has a clear call to action
At the end of the day, you want to make sure you are making it super easy for the user to find out information and book your town or village hall then and there. A simple and easy-to-navigate website will avoid users shutting off or hitting that back button.